Mark Gilbert Dashper was born in Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand in 1957. He pursued a career in Archaeology, graduating with an MA(hons) in Anthropology, worked briefly as an Artist, and later trained as an Art Teacher. He taught visual arts and music for 20 years, and became an Advisor to schools, graduating from the University of Auckland with a PhD in Education.
As an Author, he has written a number of non fiction research books, and has dedicated his career to working in support of Māori education.
He started writing fiction books in 2020 during the first Covid lockdown. 'The Neanderlytes' is his first major novel in a science fiction mystery book series: TIME TRAVEL TRIBE. Other novels in this series are:
'The Suspension Bridge' (2021)
'Last Battle of Wills' (2022)
'The Time Angel' Coming 2023

He writes from his home in Warkworth surrounded by native bush, where he lives with his wife, two cats, and a dog called Frankie.